V Basha Von Fallamhain IGP3

We could not be more proud of Basha von Fallamhain & her amazing handler Ashley Rene for their outstanding accomplishment of 4th Place at the November 2021 WUSV Universal World Championship in Lerma, Spain. Basha has also acquired multiple dock diving titles, & has appeared in a movie! We love cheering on this dynamic duo; we know they’re just getting started! GO TEAM BASHA! 




A common saying exists that “behind every successful man, there is a strong woman.” In the German Shepherd Dog world, the saying is “behind every strong male, there are many strong females”. This statement absolutely applies to Iko vom Guldenen Winkel. Iko’s mother is Oona vom Patiala (a BSP participant, with sister Oxana being an LGA participant). Both Oona and Oxana were born in the US and bred by Ajay Singh. Iko's grandmother is Jilnannah vom Talka Marda (a National IPO3 Championship participant with 3 littermates: Javir, Jenna, and John, all BSP participants). His great-grandmother is Quaste vom Ankenrutt (a multiple BSP participant).

Iko’s father is Arrico vom Wolfsheim, a BSP participant and his littermate Agent vom Wolfsheim was also a BSP participant. Their father Justin vom Pendel Bach was also a BSP participant. Arrico was not owned by a famous dog trainer, but many prominent kennels such as Wannaer Hohen, Vom Peroh, Pa-Schacks, Eisernern Kreuz bred to him on multiple occasions; a testament of his actual working ability and breed value. Iko’s father’s mother is Noditha vom Teufelsgrund, a BSP participant, who is also the mother of famous Bomber and Bandit vom Wolfsheim, and Gin vom Wolfsheim. Noditha was a daughter of Andy vom Lemper Heide (a BSP participant) who was a Neck von der Maineiche (a BSP participant) son. Arrico’s son, John-Boy von der Wannaer Hohen, is a two-time BSP participant finishing 6th at the last year BSP. Aricco also completed the RSV2000 temperament testing and received the highest score of 1000; another testament to the excellent temperament and workability in Iko's pedigree.

Iko was bred by Mr. Gregor Kaschinski of Guldenen Winkel kennel. This famous kennel produced the Falco vom Guldenen Winkel, owned and handled by Mr. Helmut Raiser. The team of Falco and Helmut were 2004 Schutzhund 3 German National Champions (Bundesseiger). Iko has normal hips and elbows, has competed at several National Championships. He excels in IGP and is a great dog to live with…just ask our kids! Special thanks to Ajay Singh for being a key person in helping us acquire Iko as a pup.

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4x IGP3 2018, 2019 USCA IGP Working Dog Championship and 2019 USCA IGP National competitor, 2019 National Sieger Show, 2021 Regional Highest Scoring Female, qualified for Nationals. Arya is an Audi daughter out of our A litter, she is also dam to our D, F, I and K litters. Arya currently has 4 progeny titled in IGP and 1 also has a PSA PDC. A great accomplishment for a female who is still young and actively competing herself.



Audi is Regional Competitor dam to our A,B,C and E litters. Out of her litters so far, she has 7 titled in IGP, 2 of which have competed at the National level. Other accomplishments include: certified SAR, Dock diving, AKC sport titles, certified dual purpose and bomb detection K9, PSA, and an appearance in a movie. Audi is known for producing strong working dogs as well as dogs that are able to thrive in a home and family environment. She is currently living the sweet retirement life with a family who adores her!

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Diksy is a 3x IGP3, 2018 Regional Conformation Show, & 2019 USCA Mid-Central Regional. She was imported from the Ukraine as a young dog. Dam to our G, H and L litters. A very special female. She has some promising pups that will be titling soon!


 Fallamhain Progeny Accomplishments:

A - litter

- [ ] V Arya - 5x IGP3 2018, 2019 WDC and 2019 National level competitor, 2019 Sieger Show 2021 Regional Highest Scoring Female, qualified for Nationals

- [ ] G Aero - IGP3 Missouri

 SG Alrik - IPO1 North Carolina

V A’xena - IGP3 3x Regional level Missouri

B- litter

V Basha - IGP3 Working Dog Championship competitor, 2021 USCA Universal Siegerin 4th Place

*Multiple dock diving titles and also in a movie! New York

Dezi - BH, AD, dock diving and also in made an appearance in a movie. New York

Beira - BH New Hampshire

Brienne - PSA New Hampshire

C- litter

Ciro- AKC TD, Novice, TDX, CGCA, Rally, Trick Dog Novice and Intermediate, Barn Hunt, CGC Illinois

Cynder - SAR Live find certified West Virginia

D- litter

V Drago - IGP1 KKL New York

SG D’Iceman - BH Missouri

E - litter

V Eika IGP1 KKL - Wisconsin

Ersa - dual purpose K9. Texas

G- litter

SG Gitana BH- IGP home with Brian & Christina

Goose BH- IGP home Washington

Ghost - IGP home Illinois

Gideon - IGP home Massachusetts

Gio BH - IGP home North Carolina